Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Philippines' Mayon About to Blow?
December 28, 2009--Otherwise invisible on a hazy night, the Volcano is given away by cascading lines of glowing lava on Sunday.
The Philippine government has issued a level-four alert for the Mayon Volcano area (map), indicating that a major eruption is believed to be possible at any moment.
Click here for full story
The Philippine government has issued a level-four alert for the Mayon Volcano area (map), indicating that a major eruption is believed to be possible at any moment.
Click here for full story
Monday, December 28, 2009
Airline Bomb Plotter: 'More like me are ready and waiting to strike'
I think its only a matter of time...
Failed plane bomber Umar Abdulmutallab has bragged to FBI agents that there are more young men plotting to launch attacks on the West.
Failed plane bomber Umar Abdulmutallab has bragged to FBI agents that there are more young men plotting to launch attacks on the West.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
White Christmas for much of the USA!
Here in Joplin we got on average 6 to 8 inches of snow but 1/4' to 1/2" of ice before that, with drifts higher than a foot and more. Its the first white Christmas in a long time but sadly at the cost of a number of lives due to mostly traffic accidents. Oklahoma City got 14" themselves!
Record Setting Snowfall Across Oklahoma, Most Interstates Closed
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Another historic blizzard...along with ice !!
Big freeze brings misery and death to Europe
Israel, Arab countries plan for war with Iran
Intelligence officials from Israel, Egypt, Jordan and the U.S. held a meeting last week to discuss specific responses to Iranian retaliatory attacks during a potential war with Tehran, WND has learned.
Ahmadinejad says nuclear trigger report is a forgery by the U.S.
"They are all fabricated bunch of papers continuously being forged and disseminated by the American government," he told the U.S. network in an interview broadcast on Monday.
Reports that Iran is working on a bomb trigger are "fundamentally not true," Ahmadinejad said.
Monday, December 21, 2009
UFO pyramid reported over Kremlin
A giant pyramid which appears to be a UFO hovering over the Kremlin has caused frenzied speculation in Russia that it is an alien spacecraft.
Photos and video :
Friday, December 18, 2009
Global Governance - EU President Admits One-World Government is Here - NWO - New World Order
"Once derided as a "myth" or a "conspiracy theory," the reality of a global or one-world government is heard loud and clear in this revealing video that world leaders indeed are enacting a global government. Newly appointed (not elected) EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy admits the G-20 and Copenhagen Climate Summit are part of creating one government to rule the world (the dream of dictators for all time)."
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Spiral Light Over Norway - *The OTHER Event No One Is Talking About*
More on the EVENT no one is talking about!
Its been reported that the Hadron Collider was switched on the night this phenomenon appeared in the sky. I can find no information yet as to what time this happened but I did find out its about 1000km from in distance from one to the other. Coincedence?
Its been reported that the Hadron Collider was switched on the night this phenomenon appeared in the sky. I can find no information yet as to what time this happened but I did find out its about 1000km from in distance from one to the other. Coincedence?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Norway spiral - Russia accepts blame even though Norway may have been responsible ! !
In other words, Russia was NOT responsible for the spiral effect ... the responsible party was actually NORWAY !!!
So in summary, I hope that i have put forward a reasonable case to show that the prevalent Russian failed missile scenario could NOT possibly have generated the observed spiral effect.
I have shown that the alleged exhaust plume attributed to the missile launch could NOT possibly be seen 800 kms away in Tromso, Norway.
I have shown that the spiral effect was in all actuality a very low altitude atmospheric phenomenon and attributing it to a malfunctioning missile crossing Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian airspace is extremely implausible.
I have shown that the exhaust plume rather than being located 800kms distant, was most likely less than 20 kms from the majority of the reported sighting.
I have shown that an alternative, and more likely, candidate is in fact the EISCAT ionospheric facility located approximately 15kms from the photos taken at Tromso Havn and fits in extremely well with the visual evidence.
This would also explain the uncharacteristic silence from the Norwegian government regarding the encroachment of their sovereign territory and airspace by a malfunctioning Russian missile.
Except for one detail, everything seems to fall into place reasonably well as an explanation of how the events of 9 December transpired.
The one remaining detail that is unclear is why the Russian government would accept blame and take responsibility for the spiral effect that they couldn't possibly have caused ... but irrespective, I'm sure that there IS a reason !!
Special Report: The Case For War
Iran's defense minister, Ahmad Vahidi made a trip to Damascus this week to attend a session of the Iranian-Syrian defense committee. According to a report in the Debkafile, Tehran is expecting an Israeli attack within the next month.
"The countdown for war is coming close to its end," Vahidi reportedly said to the joint defense committee. "And we must get our strategic partnership in shape ahead of time."
Read entire article here :
Monday, December 14, 2009
'Witch hunt' expected under new U.S. 'hate crimes' law
Lawyer who handled Boissoin saga says Obama plans to bring back 'inquisitions' Frightening Rise Of Christian Persecution
Extra video by Paul Washer talking about the persecution that is coming to the Church in America. 3:41 mins
Sunday, December 13, 2009
This is a video of Hal Lindsay talking at a prophecy conference. Talking about an ex Russian KGB analyst, Igor Panarin, that has been predicting the United States will fall in 2010 due to moral crisis and economic collapse! The video talks about this guy explaining that the U.S. will be split into four regions taken over by various countries.
Update : I just found this article not even looking for this but found it too mentioned the man above. The title to this article is "Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War?"
Now we are to be watching out for another civil war?
"Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued an order to his Northern Command's (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to 'begin immediately' increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
"The Times story goes on to say that there are "over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode."
The Times article concludes by saying, "Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse."
See what I mean about plenty of news to report?!
Update : I just found this article not even looking for this but found it too mentioned the man above. The title to this article is "Is Obama Really Preparing For Civil War?"
Now we are to be watching out for another civil war?
"Russian Military Analysts are reporting to Prime Minister Putin that US President Barack Obama has issued an order to his Northern Command's (USNORTHCOM) top leader, US Air Force General Gene Renuart, to 'begin immediately' increasing his military forces to 1 million troops by January 30, 2010, in what these reports warn is an expected outbreak of civil war within the United States before the end of winter.
"The Times story goes on to say that there are "over 220 million American people armed to the teeth and ready to explode."
The Times article concludes by saying, "Though the coming civil war in the United States is being virtually ignored by their propaganda media, the same cannot be said of Russia, where leading Russian political analyst, Professor Igor Panarin has long warned that the economic turmoil in the United States has confirmed his long-held view that the US is heading for collapse."
See what I mean about plenty of news to report?!
Secret document exposes Iran’s nuclear trigger

Check out this story. Its amazing how the west, including this country is totally clueless as to Iran's true intentions. Proof upon proof continues to surface like this story! Read it here :
Update : Many other sites are reporting on this now! (12-14-09) This device has no OTHER use besides in a nuclear bomb! Watch the video on the link below...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Weird Light in Norway skies seen yesterday Dec 9th 2009!
A MYSTERIOUS giant spiral of light that dominated the sky over Norway this morning has stunned experts — who believe the space spectacle is an entirely new astral phenomenon.
Thousands of awe-struck Norwegians bombarded the Meteorological Institute to ask what the incredible light — that could be seen in the pre-dawn sky for hundreds of miles — could possibly be.
The phenomenon has been dubbed 'Star-Gate' — as the world's top scientists and the military lined up to admit they were baffled.
Here are some photos if you can't view the videos :
This scripture comes to mind :
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:25-28, KJV)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Jesus Nearly Banned at White House Inn
Let's face it: "Brand Obama" dodged a bullet by not going forward with this terrible idea, but only barely dodged it. After all, the facts of the story are right there in The New York Times for all to see.
Has Iran's Supreme Leader Disappeared?
"I am told that Khamenei was taken to a secret place to monitor the situation and perhaps for his safety, and a helicopter was ready with a pilot in it to perhaps fly him out to Russia if the situation got out of hand," the source told Israel National News on Tuesday. "I am also told that prominent clergy went to meet with him hoping to force him to show leniency.... [Our consensus] is that [the] mullahs are scared."
EU foreign ministers recognize Jerusalem as future joint capital
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Ahmadinejad Reportedly Claims U.S. is Blocking Return of Mankind's Savior
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims the United States is attempting to thwart the return of mankind's savior, according to reports from Al Arabiya, a television news station based in Dubai.
Ahmadinejad reportedly claims he has documented evidence that the U.S. is blocking the return of Mahdi, the Imam believed by Muslims to be the savior.
"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying.
Full story here :,3566,579640,00.html
or here
and another link here :
and another link here :
Analysis: The Obama administration now says they will pursue international sanctions on Iran in January. That could be a good development, but it comes very late in the game. It’s still not clear even crippling sanctions would stop Iran from getting the Bomb. And it may simply be too late. Iran is ready to build the Bomb, according to Israeli intelligence, and has missiles that can reach Israel. So Netanyahu is running out of time. He may feel compelled to hit Iran hard, and soon. Netanyahu’s calculus is complicated by the fact that Ahmadinejad may be growing frustrated that the so-called Islamic Messiah has not yet arrived. In 2007, Ahmadinejad gave a series of speeches says the 12th Imam’s arrival on earth was “imminent.” The Iranian president seemed sincere in that belief, but the Mahdi still has not come. Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad may also be laying the groundwork for apocalyptic violence against the U.S. and Israel, and casting the rationale for such violence in eschatological terms. Bottom line: the situation in the region is steadily deteriorating. Someone’s going to make a move. It’s just not clear who’s going to move first.
by Joel Rosenburg
Monday, December 7, 2009
Europe Rides The Beast: Official EU Symbols Tell Us Exactly What The Global Elite Plan To Do To Humanity

The picture at the top of this article is of a statue right outside EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. It is a statue of the pagan goddess Europa riding a bull. EU representatives openly acknowledge as much. According to Greek tradition, Europa (from which Europe takes it’s name) was a beautiful Phoenecian woman of high ranking who draws the attention of Zeus - the great Greek sky god.
From :
The battle to divide Jerusalem is intensifying this week. Sweden is pushing hard to pass an initiative to persuade 27 foreign ministers of European Union states to endorse a plan to recognize unilaterally East Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian State. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, is doing everything he can to counter the Swedish effort. EU ministers meet today in Brussels.
The Bible teaches that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob loves Israel’s neighbors, but has specifically chosen Jerusalem to be the capital of the Jewish people and His own prized possession. It is not to be carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey.
In I Kings 11:32, the Lord calls Jerusalem “the city which I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel.”
In 2 Chronicles 6:6, the Lord says, “I have chosen Jerusalem that My Name might be there, and I have
chosen David to be over My people Israel.”
In Psalm 132:13-16, we read, “For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation. ‘This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it. I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her with bread.”
The Bible also teaches that the Lord will judge the nations who seek to divide Israel and Jerusalem. In Joel 3:1-2, we read, “When I restore the fortunes of Jerusalem [in the last days] I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into judgment with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance Israel whom they have scattered among the nations and they have divided up My land.”
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The Christmas Atheists
In North America, Christmas tradition demands a Christmas feast and candy canes and unique little pastries and all kinds of nuts. The kinds that come in shells -- and the other kind.
The American Humanist Association is spending millions sponsoring billboards of happy young models wearing Santa hats over the legend, "No God? No problem. Be Good for Goodness Sake."
Out West, the inaptly-named atheist group, "Freedom From Religion" plans an ad campaign under the tag line, "Yes, Virginia, There Is No God."
I said they were inaptly-named because they already have freedom from religion -- there is no religious litmus test in America.
And if there was, it sure wouldn't be Christianity, which despite its 80% majority in the population, is virtually illegal to practice in public.
The folks at "Freedom From Religion" don't want freedom of religion for themselves -- they want to take your freedom of religion away from you in the name of "reason."
To these folks, you are the hypocrites because you don't practice your religion they way they think you should, therefore it is right and just that they take it away from you.
In return, they offer you nothing. Well, less than nothing.
Oddly, atheists are also big on global warming, euthanasia, abortion gay rights and social Darwinism. You'd think that since this life is all there is, they'd view it as being more precious than they do.
I've never really understood why atheism is so militant. It would seem that a religious system based on the belief in nothing wouldn't really have much to say. I mean, it's about nothing. What more is there to say?
But nature (including human nature) abhors a vacuum. So a religion based on nothing has to fill the vacuum with something.
Since they don't have a God, they use ours.
I note with interest that they only use the God of Christians and Jews. I'm still waiting for the American Humanist Group or or Freedom from Religion to sponsor billboards proclaiming, "There is no Allah."
I suspect I'll have to wait a very long time.
Atheists and humanists have a problem with Jews putting up a menorah or Christians displaying a Nativity scene.
But I've never heard an atheist group going after Hinduism. Or Jainism, Tenrikyo, Bahai, Unitarianism, Rastafarianism, Wicca or Druidism.
I think the reason that the humanist and atheist movement are so obsessed with attacking the God of Christians and Jews is self-evident.
If they REALLY didn't believe there was a God, they would live out their lives as if God wasn't there. Apologist Dinesh D'Souza framed it this way:
"I don't believe in unicorns, so I just go about my life as if there are no unicorns. I haven't written any books called "The End of the Unicorn" or "Unicorns are Not Great" or "The Unicorn Delusion" and I don't spend my time obsessing about unicorns."
Atheists don't spend their time obsessing about Vishnu, or Brahma or Shiva or (especially) Allah or Quetzalcoatl. Because they don't believe that they are any more real than unicorns.
But they spend millions to pay for billboards and movies and lawyers (lots and lots of lawyers) to suppress any mention or memory of the God of Christians and Jews from the public square.
I've read lots of thoughtful analysis this season speculating that atheists and humanists are obsessed with Christmas because they are jealous. I don't think that's it, exactly, although it may be partially valid.
I've read other analysis that speculate it is because atheists want to demonstrate that they are as moral as believers. It seems too counterproductive to be a deliberate strategy.
Attempting to demonstrate one's morality by launching a bigoted attack against a whole class of people is a demonstration of hypocrisy, not morality.
One can't even argue 'fairness', since the only remedy possible is to impose the view of a tiny few on the vast majority, hardly qualifying as 'fair'.
The only conclusion that seems reasonable is, as I said earlier, self-evident. Mythical gods have no power. It isn't the concept of religion that scares them. What scares them is the issue of accountability.
It amuses me that atheists and humanists believe they have some special insight not available to Christians. I wasn't always a believer. Neither were most of you. I resisted Christ primarily because I didn't want to have to change my ways.
I tried to be an atheist, but it seemed too intellectually dishonest. How does one begin to defend a position whose starting point is that of one who is certain that he knows the unknowable? I'm not that arrogant.
The best I could ever manage before coming to Christ was that of an agnostic, or one who knows he does not know what he does not know. That's a lot more humble, but not very satisfying.
Sort of like the statistics that place American students last in Western academia but first in self-esteem. "Not too bright, but feeling good about it."
Logically speaking, the billboard campaigns are themselves direct evidence that the Bible is true. The Bible says that all mankind is born with an instinctive knowledge of God.
"Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them."
"For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:"
That conforms with my personal experience. I always believed in God for as far back into my childhood as I can remember, despite the fact we never went to church.
"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened."
The existence of God isn't something that is learned, it is something that must be unlearned. I believed in God until somebody told me only kids believed in God.
"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."
They don't do billboards protesting Ramadan. But they never let a Christmas or Easter go by without highlighting Jesus. It helps the rest of us remember the Reason for the Season. Proving yet another truth of Scripture.
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
Even atheist billboard campaigns.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Are We Running Out Of Time?
Q. If it’s been 61 years since Israel became a nation again and we are looking at a 70 year lifespan but yet we are still waiting for the war of Psalm 83 take place and the war Ezekiel 38 to at least start before the rapture, aren’t we running out of time for all this to happen? If the 70 years from 1948 is correct alot would have to happen by 2011 if the tribulation is to end and the second coming to take place within the 70 years.
A. I think all end Times prophecies will likely be fulfilled by 2018. If so, what has to happen pretty soon are the rapture, Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 (not necessarily in that order) with Ezekiel 38 shortly thereafter. But remember, as the time for a birth approaches, the birth pangs increase in frequency and intensity very quickly. We still have all of 2010 and 2011, and typically wars in Israel only last for days or a few weeks at the most.
Many observers are looking for something big to happen in the Middle East after the first of the year. If Israel attacks Iran as they’ve threatened to, Hamas and Hizbollah will likely respond. These groups will be no match for Israel now that there’s a resolute government in place. If Syria follows suit, the total destruction of Damascus will put an end to them quickly as well. And as for the Rapture, it requires no run up and could happen tonight. There’s enough time.
Q. If it’s been 61 years since Israel became a nation again and we are looking at a 70 year lifespan but yet we are still waiting for the war of Psalm 83 take place and the war Ezekiel 38 to at least start before the rapture, aren’t we running out of time for all this to happen? If the 70 years from 1948 is correct alot would have to happen by 2011 if the tribulation is to end and the second coming to take place within the 70 years.
A. I think all end Times prophecies will likely be fulfilled by 2018. If so, what has to happen pretty soon are the rapture, Psalm 83 and Isaiah 17 (not necessarily in that order) with Ezekiel 38 shortly thereafter. But remember, as the time for a birth approaches, the birth pangs increase in frequency and intensity very quickly. We still have all of 2010 and 2011, and typically wars in Israel only last for days or a few weeks at the most.
Many observers are looking for something big to happen in the Middle East after the first of the year. If Israel attacks Iran as they’ve threatened to, Hamas and Hizbollah will likely respond. These groups will be no match for Israel now that there’s a resolute government in place. If Syria follows suit, the total destruction of Damascus will put an end to them quickly as well. And as for the Rapture, it requires no run up and could happen tonight. There’s enough time.
Putin: Will consider running for president in 2012
Gee... there is a surprise!! Yea right...
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a question-and-answer session broadcast live by Russia's state television in Moscow, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009. The show sent another strong signal that Putin remains the dominant force in Russian politics, overshadowing his designated successor, President Dmitry Medvedev.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a question-and-answer session broadcast live by Russia's state television in Moscow, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009. The show sent another strong signal that Putin remains the dominant force in Russian politics, overshadowing his designated successor, President Dmitry Medvedev.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Ahmadinejad: Israel can't do 'damn thing' against Iran
More taunting from Iran it seems! Is it just me or do others get the impression this is like a bully in the school yard taunting a smaller foe to punch him in the nose!?
Notice what this guy always manages to spout off yet you never hear about it on your local evening news channel!
"The Zionist regime (Israel) and its (Western) backers can not do a damn thing to stop Iran's nuclear work," Ahmadinejad told a crowd to chants of "death to Israel" and "death to America".
(Ahmadinejad's words, not mine!)
Notice what this guy always manages to spout off yet you never hear about it on your local evening news channel!
"The Zionist regime (Israel) and its (Western) backers can not do a damn thing to stop Iran's nuclear work," Ahmadinejad told a crowd to chants of "death to Israel" and "death to America".
(Ahmadinejad's words, not mine!)
District approves same-sex marriage
Council's 11-2 vote is 1st of 3 steps; foes see little chance of reversal
The D.C. Council voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to legalize same-sex marriage in the District, a key step in a process that could enable gay couples to marry in the nation's capital by the spring.
Belly up: 10 states face imminent bankruptcy
Those states in fiscal peril include California, Arizona, Rhode Island, Michigan, Oregon, Nevada, Florida, New Jersey, Illinois and Wisconsin.
North Koreans in misery as cash is culled
“It came as a great surprise to everyone,” one Western diplomat in Pyongyang told The Times. “Everything closed — no notice given. When we made inquiries we discovered it was because the currency was no longer valid. It’s really quite dramatic.”
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
EU to recognize East Jerusalem as capital of Palestinian state
EU on collision course with Israel after preparing to call for division of Jerusalem
Gold hits record near US$1,200 as dollar slips!
"The fact that we are seeing the dollar weaken is helping to drive gold," said Ole Hansen, senior manager at Saxo Bank.
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