The picture at the top of this article is of a statue right outside EU headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. It is a statue of the pagan goddess Europa riding a bull. EU representatives openly acknowledge as much. According to Greek tradition, Europa (from which Europe takes it’s name) was a beautiful Phoenecian woman of high ranking who draws the attention of Zeus - the great Greek sky god.
My name is william L. Irwin. I have posted valuable information on the signs of the last days site in the comments section. The current E.U.Flage was designed by Arsene Heitz a mail room clerk at the Council of Europe. He took his inspiration from the belief that the woman of Rev.12:1 with the crown of twelve stars is Mary,the QUEEN OF HEAVEN according to ROMAN CATHOILC doctrine. The Council of Europe unanimously adopted the flag on Dec.8,1955. Dec.8th is the BEAST with TWO HORNS(POPE) holiday known as the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF MARY,THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN.
ReplyDeleteThe POPE is the HEAD of STATE of TWO completely SEPARATE and SOVEREIGN entities. They are 1.The HOLY SEE and 2. The STATE OF VATICAN CITY. To qualify biblically as a horn it must be either a kingdom or a country. In the case of the BEAST with TWO HORNS he has one of each. The HOLY SEE is a kingdom and the STATE OF VATICAN CITY is a country.
ReplyDeleteThe TREATY OF ROME was signed on CAPTOLINE HILL,ROME on March 25,1957. March 25th is the BEAST with TWO HORNS holiday the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE LORD. That is the day that the POPE,the BEAST with TWO HORNS says the angel told MARY,QUEEN OF HEAVEN that she was with child.The ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE LORD is the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH OF THE EUROPEAN UNION. William L. Irwin, Iwrote the above post also.
ReplyDeleteThe EUROPEAN UNION is the IMAGE (Rev.13) of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns. Remember the E.U. Flag came from Rev.12:1. The little horn of Daniel that comes up amongst the ten horns and picks up three horns is a reference to the rise of the STATE OF VATICAN CITY. The three horns picked up are 1.ITALY under Mussolini,2.GERMANY under Hitler and 3. SPAIN under Franco. World War 2 saw the HOLOCAUST which was the attempted MURDER of all JEWS on the planet. After World War 2 ISRAEL returned to the land and was recognized as the sovereign STATE OF ISRAEL in 1948. The BEAST with TWO HORNS then caused the PEOPLE to make the IMAGE of REV.13 that speaks from the TOWER of BABEL. First the flag in 1955 then the TREATY OF ROME in 1957.
ReplyDeleteThe causal relationship between the BEAST with TWO HORNS and the PEOPLE regarding the IMAGE of Rev.13 is the belief system shared by the BEAST with TWO HORNS and the PEOPLE known as the ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION. The PEOPLE worship the POPE,the BEAST with TWO HORNS and this WORSHIP is carried right over into the EUROPEAN UNION. The inspiration and adoption date of the current EUROPEAN UNION , QUEEN OF HEAVEN FLAG and the exact location and date of the signing of the TREATY OF ROME which is the BIRTH OF THE IMAGE that speaks from the TOWER OF BABEL. The TREATY OF ROME was signed on CAPITOLINE HILL,ROME in a large room with a GIGANTIC BRONZE POPE STATUE ON ONE END and a GIGANTIC MARBLE POPE STATUE ON THE OTHER END. The TREATY OF ROME was signed in between these statues.The Date of March25th is the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH.
ReplyDeleteWe read in scripture that the people worship the BEAST and HIS IMAGE. The EUROPEAN UNION is the IMAGE of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns and the BEAST with TWO HORNS caused the PEOPLE to make it therefore it is HIS IMAGE because he is responsible for it so the EUROPEAN UNION IS HIS. IT was born in ROME the GREAT CITY that reigns over the kings of the earth. Five kings are fallen, one IS and the other not yet. At the time of the sixth king the ONE that NOW IS Mohammed was not even born yet and Islam did not even exist and MECCA was just a place of the ARABS. Constantine was not yet born so that rules out ISTANBUL.ROME is that GREAT CITY upon which the whore MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH sits. ROME is the GREAT CITY where the BEAST with TWO HORNS(POPE)is as well as being the GREAT CITY where the WHORE OF BABYLON is. The BEAST with TWO HORNS is also known as the FATHER(POPE)the GREAT WHORE is the MOTHER and ROME is the BIRTH place of the IMAGE that speaks from the TOWER OF BABYLON (BABEL). It was BORN on the ANNUNCIATION of the BIRTH March 25,1957! William Le Roy Irwin
ReplyDeleteEuropa on the bull is very much a part of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns so to it in the IMAGE(EUROPEAN UNION)Rev.13 is no surprise at all. The EUROPEAN UNION was made by the PEOPLE and caused by the BEAST with TWO HORNS(POPE)like a lamb but speaks as a dragon. That poster issued by the COUNCIL OF EUROPE shows the TOWER OF BABEL penetrating the stars of the QUEEN OF HEAVEN this is a spiritual UNION between BABYLON and the QUEEN OF HEAVEN.It is a EUROPEAN UNION which SPEAKS from the TOWER OF BABEL(BABYLON). It is the IMAGE of REV.13! PETER the APOSTLE called ROME BABYLON in the HOLY BIBLE. ROME is the home of the Father and Mother of the IMAGE which is the EUROPEAN UNION. Google search," Council of Europe photographic library special events 50th anniversary signing treaty of rome" scroll until you find the correct link.You will find high resolution photos of the TREATY OF ROME(the ACTUAL DOCUMENT) on the inverted QUEEN OF HEAVEN FLAG of the EUROPEAN UNION. Compare that to the poster . William L. Irwin
ReplyDeleteThe rise of the little horn which is the STATE OF VATICAN CITY. The three horns picked up by the little horn,1.Italy under Mussolini,2.Germany under Hitler and 3. Spain under Franco. Then world war 2,the HOLOCAUST followed by the STATE OF ISRAEL 1948,then the BEAST with TWO HORNS(POPE) caused the people to make the EUROPEAN UNION which is the IMAGE of REVELATION 13. The STRONG DELUSION is present! The people are BLIND and DREAMING! The people have been lied to(big surprise huh?). The people have been DUPED! WAKE UP! The people are DECEIVERS and DECEIVED. They keep perpetuating that system. William Le Roy Irwin
ReplyDeleteI William L.Irwin posted the first 8 comments though I did not sign all of them.
ReplyDeleteEuropa on the bull is very much a part of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns so to SEE it represented in the EUROPEAN UNION is NO SURPRISE at all. The E.U. was caused by the BEAST with TWO HORNS like a lamb but speaks as a dragon(the POPE)and made by the PEOPLE. The E.U. is the IMAGE of REV.13,it belongs to the POPE therefore it is HIS IMAGE. sorry for the omission of the word "see" in the above comment. William L. Irwin
ReplyDeleteEuropa on the bull was a belief in the ROMAN EMPIRE. It is very much a part of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns. The IMAGE of REV.13 is a REPRESENTATION of it and it is REPRESENTED as the EUROPEAN UNION. The EUROPEAN UNION belongs to the BEAST with TWO HORNS it is HIS (HIS IMAGE)! The EUROPEAN UNION belongs to the POPE,it is HIS! HIS belief system is the cause of it. The PEOPLE WORSHIP the POPE and it seen in the EUROPEAN UNION, HIS IMAGE!
ReplyDeleteIn Rev.13 the word "mark" appears. The greek word translated as "mark" is CHARAGMA. Charagma is authorized IDENTIFICATION and it also means authorized MONEY! Authorized PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, P.I.N. numbers are stored "IN THE HEAD" or if not memorized then when produced from a wallet or purse they are "IN THE HAND". The authorized IDENTIFICATION is "IN HAND"! The MONEY is "IN HAND" as in cash "IN HAND". 500,000,000 souls and rising now use the EURO (CHARAGMA)or they can't buy or sell in the EUROPEAN UNION! They can't "BUY OR SELL" unless they have the EURO "mark"(charagma)"IN HAND" or "IN THEIR HEAD"! The EURO is a BEARER instrument. The EURO is CHARAGMA "mark"! The German money before the EURO actually was called the"MARK" and it was correctly named because it was the AUTHORIZED MONEY(CHARAGMA) of GERMANY! The EURO is the AUTHORIZED MONEY (CHARAGMA) of the EUROPEAN UNION and is the new "mark". Paper money is made by a process of etching,stamping and engraving so is coin. AUTHORIZED paper money is a document of "mark". An accurate statement concerning a person with a EURO "IN HAND" is, "that person bears a MARK IN HAND". The national currencies of the member nations of the E.U. have been ABOLISHED or are about to be ABOLISHED, the U.K.,ENGLAND,BRITAIN or whatever they call themselves these days included. No EURO "in hand" no "buying or selling" William L. Irwin
ReplyDeleteCharagma (mark) is any AUTHORIZED identification document such as a passport, certificate of birth, etc. Charagma(mark) is also AUTHORIZED MONEY whether PAPER or COIN. Any process electronic or otherwise involving MONEY involves CHARAGMA (mark). In Rev.13 the CHARAGMA (mark) identifies or qualfies an individual to "buy or sell". The MARK of REV.13 is indicative of ECONOMIC SLAVERY or ECONOMIC SERVITUDE of individuals involved in the system of the BEAST. The NAME is AUTHORIZED, the MARK is AUTHORIZED and the NUMBER is AUTHORIZED and by definition qualify as CHARAGMA which is MARK.In the END DAYS people are DELUDED that means they really don't know what they are INVOLVED in. The fact that they are deluded does not mean that they are not responsible or that they will not be held ACCOUNTABLE. Who sent the STRONG DELUSION? Who allowed it and why? EVERYONE will answer to GOD. There is an ADVOCATE for mankind. The LORD crucified and raised from the dead, HE IS THE ADVOCATE! The POPE is the BEAST with TWO HORNS and the IMAGE is the entire EUROPEAN UNION! William L.Irwin
ReplyDeleteNone of this is being done against the WILL of the people of the EUROPEAN UNION. The people want the EUROPEAN UNION and they want the authorized CHARAGMA(mark) of the E.U. which is the EURO DOLLAR. This way they can BUY and SELL in their EMPIRE easily and simply with a single currency. Buying and selling without accepting AUTHORIZED MONEY including selling your services for wages and not recording the transactions for TAX purposes will find a person in legal problems quickly.CHARAGMA the mark of REV.13 is MONEY,namely the EURO DOLLAR. The mark is authorized money,and authorized identification "in hand" or "in the head" such as an authorized secret P.I.N. or password that personally authorizes the transfer of authorized MONEY (charagma,the mark). That is why the BIBLE says the "name" the"mark" or the "number". This is all about MONEY and IDENTIFICATION. This is all about multitudes of deluded people. Some people are expecting a talking statue and a tattoo as the mark.People can believe whatever they want. I believe those people belong in the sandbox with a box of crayons. The Strongs Concordance is exhaustive in the sense of words and where they can be found but in some cases the definitions are very basic. Charagma is one of them and I can easily understand how people that rely solely upon it think charagma means tattoo. Charagma means MONEY, cash IN HAND to buy or sell. Show me an example in history where you needed a tattoo in your hand or forehead to buy or sell! COME ON people WAKE UP Rev.13 is speaking about MONEY. SHOW ME THE MONEY BUDDY OR HAVE IT TRANSFERRED PAL! This isn't complicated,the world is full of money lovers. Now 500,000,000 souls and rising use the EURO the CHARAGMA(mark) of the EUROPEAN UNION to buy or sell.The EURO is about economic CONTROL of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. They have faith in the EURO of their own free will. They have faith in a FIAT currency named the EURO. The European Union the image of Rev.13 speaks from the TOWER OF BABEL. EUROPA ON THE BULL!THE TOWER OF BABEL! It all literally amounts to BABYLONIAN, BABBLING,BULL$#!T !!! The BEAST with TWO HORNS the POPE as FATHER and the BABYLONIAN WHORE as MOTHER both located in ROME. The EUROPEAN UNION is the issue of a PIMP and a WHORE, born in ROME on the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH, MARCH 25,1957 TREATY OF ROME William L. Irwin
ReplyDeleteThe little horn comes up amongst the ten horns and subdues three of the ten horns. Scripture states that when the rock comes and smites the image on the feet and toes there are TEN TOES. Also, the BEAST with TWO HORNS causes the people to make an image of the beast with seven heads ten horns and ten crowns in its presence also proves that there are TEN TOES. I say that the little horn is the STATE of VATICAN CITY. The three horns subdued are 1.ITALY under MUSSOLINI, 2. GERMANY under HITLER and 3. SPAIN under FRANCO. Keeping COMMUNISM from completely taking over EUROPE was priority number one for the POPE. A well laid plan was developed. Step one was to insulate the the POPE and ROMAN CATHOLICISM by creating through the LATERAN PACT of 1929 (GREGORIAN) by agreement between the HOLY SEE HEAD OF STATE the POPE and MUSSOLINI the STATE OF VATICAN CITY. This is the rise of the LITTLE HORN,the STATE of VATICAN CITY. Now with the POPE insulated in his little SOVEREIGN STATE OF VATICAN CITY step two could commence. The ROMAN CATHOLIC political machine of GERMANY went into overdrive and put ADOLPH HITLER into power. HITLER created the NAZI THIRD REICH. The PAPACY quickly came to an agreement called the REICH'S CONCORDAT giving the NAZI THIRD REICH legitimacy in the eyes of ROMAN CATHOLICS and people that were actually stupid enough to believe their propaganda. HITLER began WORLD WAR 2 and blamed the JEWS for COMMUNISM and murdered them. MUSSOLINI an ALLY of HITLER joined with HITLER in support of a COUP in SPAIN of the DEMOCRATICALLY elected leftist government. HITLER and MUSSOLINI gave military support to FRANCO of SPAIN in the form of men, ships, planes and advanced munitions of every sort. This was part of the well laid plan to RID COMMUNISM from EUROPE. What I say is WORLD WAR 2 was ANOTHER ROMAN CATHOLIC CRUSADE this time against COMMUNISM. SATAN knew that if he could murder the JEWS totally he could prevent GOD from gathering them back to the LAND OF ISRAEL. ITALY, GERMANY and SPAIN, ONE, TWO, THREE, MUSSOLINI , HITLER and FRANCO all ROMAN CATHOLIC. SATAN used the FEAR OF COMMUNISM to cause the ROMAN CATHOLIC CRUSADE known as WORLD WAR TWO. WHO got the credit for defeating communism in EUROPE????? the POPE did, yeah right, the POPE got the credit. The U.S.A. managed to save EUROPE from being TOTALLY taken over by COMMUNISM with the invasion on D DAY. What a victory for the POPE even in defeat, saved by the AMERICANS. The LORD knows all and ISRAEL became a STATE again in 1948(GREGORIAN) fulfilling END DAYS BIBLE PROPHECY. The DELUDED DUPES of EUROPE then created the EUROPEAN UNION which is the image of REV.13 born in ROME on MARCH 25,1957 with the signing of the TREATY OF ROME which is the BIRTH of the EUROPEAN UNION on the BEAST with TWO HORNS holiday of the ANNUNCIATION OF THE BIRTH. ROME is the HOME of the BEAST with TWO HORNS POPE, FATHER and the BABYLONIAN WHORE MOTHER ! The image speaks from the TOWER of BABEL (BABYLON) and that is no surprise. PETER the APOSTLE called ROME, BABYLON, that's right BABYLON. Even the CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA admits that FACT. process the information of this comment into the above comments for a BETTER understanding. YOU are free to believe whatever you want and so am I !!! WILLIAM L. IRWIN